25 friends
TYPE: Performer


Marietta GA
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About samplebocker

Hi there im not only the president im also a member..   This is how i wrote my contract,an you should save "sample rider" info in to folder so u have it just in case.. chec ( more... )

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My Contracts
View Part A B C




Latest Date to respond by ___/___/___ for this performance.

Place of Engagement ________
(Place) address
__________, __, _____

Phone(s) _678 698 0393

Date(s) of Engagement ___/___/___
Time of Engagement __:__ am/pm

Sound Check - The set up and sound check time with full access to stage and P.A. equipment on the date of performance shall be at: __:__ am/pm

Number of sets and duration / 1 set, "1" one hour set 
Guaranteed Fee $5000.00

Ticket Price (and provide a way to validate purchased ticket numbers via internet from the door or any other means.) $__50.00_____
Free Tickets - free passes/tickets shall be provided by the Employer for the band.

Deposit Amount/Date to be paid $_____ / __/__/____ (if one applies)

Percentage (specify how it is to be calculated gross/net of ticket sales/ door/bar etc.) Refer to part B of the rider contract.

The Artist will/will not be able to choose the order of his or her appearance.

(Employer) by sending this contract and any attachments or riders included herein , binding and valid only when agreed to by both the parties (Employer and Artist) listed below, and Artist has received the deposit (if required) specified no later than ___/___/___ (date).

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